At lunch one of the cutest thing I've ever seen happened. Troy was laying on the floor beside me at the table and was taking up most of the space that him and Frito (another dog in my class) have to share. Once Frito and Kelly got to the table, Frito had to find a place to lay down. He squeezed in beside Troy and to get comfortable, he placed his head on Troy. I am so shocked that Troy stayed still and let Frito lay on him - especially since Troy was awake (which is also shocking. He sleeps all day usually)! I couldn't believe what I was seeing and was so proud of him. It was the cutest thing and well, here, see for yourself....
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Frito, another dog in my class, laying his head on Troy at lunch time. So cute! |
After lunch my mom came to visit and he got to meet his "grandma"! I think he did fairly well and enjoyed meeting someone new and being pet quickly by her. After a quick greeting from my mom, I put him in his crate and went to Target with my mom. I didn't know they had any good sales but I just love Target so much that I always like to go there. I figured I'd check out the pet aisle to look for a toy or supplies for Troy. They had all of their poop bag holders and refill packs on sale for $1.50! They're regularly $4.99. I picked up two as I figured I should keep one on my power chair and one on my walker. When we get home, it will depend on the weather for which mobility aid I use to take him out with. If it's not icy or snowy, I will probably use my walker but if there's any danger of falling, I'll be using my powerchair. I also picked up a super cute pair of fox socks for $1 as I forgot to pack/tell my mom to bring more socks.
Once we got back I took Troy for a little play time. He seemed to enjoy it much more than the first time. I threw the ball a few times and he really liked that. The floors are really slippery which makes it hard for him to run and I think this might be why he doesn't enjoy play time too much right now. Hopefully when we get home and he has grass to run on, it will be a lot better.
After play time and a little bit of socializing with the other visitors, my mom left and then I had dinner and fed Troy.
A few of the other ladies in my class decided that they wanted to go to the grocery store tonight and since I know the area, I offered to come with them and help out. So around 6:00 we crated our dogs again and headed out to the store. I bought a few small Christmas presents since when I get home I won't have much time to go shopping, as well as a few more healthy snacks to eat in the evenings.
Since I got back form the grocery store Troy has been off-leash and just hanging out/sleeping on the bed that I bought for him. He seems to really like it which is great. He doesn't want to get up and do anything. He just wants to sleep so I'm letting him. It's his day off after all!
Sorry this blog post is so short, but we honestly didn't do a lot today. We had a little bit of snuggle time and practiced some more "up" and "push commands but that's about it in terms of him working. He needs a day off to rest just as much as we all do.
Hopefully I will have a more interesting post for you tomorrow!
Goodnight everyone. xoxo
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