Troy spent a few hours alone which is good practice in case there are places I have to go without him for a short period of time. While he was in his crate for 3 hours, I went to Oakville Place to buy a new phone. We are also going to Oakville Place tomorrow as a class and Troy will be with me as part of our training.
I had a great day at the mall with my friends. Zak and I shared Thai Express, ice cream from Purdy's, and I bought a new phone to replace the one that cracked. I got the HTC One M8 and so far, I'm super happy with it. The speakers are incredible and so is the camera. I took a few pictures of Troy when I got back with my new phone so you can hopefully see what I mean about the camera. I had to switch cell phone carriers in order to get this phone but I don't mind. Over the last 7 years I've had every cell phone carrier available in Ontario so I'm used to switching! I even had Petro Canada Mobility at one point...
I got back from the mall just in time for dinner. Zak and his friends left shortly after dropping me off at the school. Troy was VERY excited to see me and my friends when we got back. He gave kisses to everyone to say goodbye which I thought was the cutest thing in the entire world.
After Troy and I both had dinner, we played for a few minutes in the classroom/play room. He is continuing to open up with his toy preferences which makes play time so much more fun. We threw a football around for a bit as well as some different styles of squeaky balls. He really liked the rubber dumbbell toy today too which was different for him.
Now Troy is fast asleep on his bed while I transfer all of my music and pictures to my HTC. I forgot how much work it is to set up a new phone!
Tomorrow should be a very interesting day for us. We are spending the morning and having lunch at the mall. Afterwards we have a gift shop appointment. I probably won't buy too much as I spent a lot of money today on my phone but we'll see!
Here are today's pictures of Troy:
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He was determined to catch the pink ball! |
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Showing off his dinosaur qualities ;) |
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Decided to take a break during play time |
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My new favourite picture of Troy. Isn't the camera on my HTC One M8 stunning? |
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