In class this morning we learned a new skill. We got to practice barking for help! Troy had a bit of trouble at first because his bark isn't very strong. He started off with more of a growl or yelp than a bark. After a few tries though, he was able to get out 3 strong barks which was good enough for today (since it was our first time practicing). Afterwards we also practiced stay which is another new command for us. He did great at this one and the trainer even joked that he was showing off! He didn't move at all until I came back to him and said "okay". So yes, he had a bit of trouble with calling for help... but my boy sure knows how to do a down stay!
Once we finished practicing some more skills and commands (tugs, push, etc.) we took an hour long walk outside. We walked all along Kerr St. which is very stimulating and busy for the dogs. Troy had a bit of a tough time staying "right" as he kept wanting to walk in front of my chair and was pulling on his leash. He was not the only one. All of the dogs had a tough time this morning on our walk. We made it back to the building just before lunch and he was pooped when we arrived!
In the afternoon we took it fairly easy since all of the dogs (and us!) were tired from the morning adventure. We went out into the parking lot and practiced some more distraction work with two unfamiliar dogs. Troy did amazing with this. He didn't even get up from sitting when the dogs walked right in front of him. He couldn't have cared less that they were there, which is EXACTLY what we want.
We also practiced with our trainer's cat today. The cat is very used to dogs and Troy didn't really move towards her either which is great. He's getting much better with distractions so that's exciting!
The last thing we did today was a bit of supervised play time. For 15 minutes we created a play area in our classroom and put down a variety of toys for the dogs to play with. They each had 15 minutes to play individually. Troy spent almost all of the 15 minutes just sniffing around the room, especially the floor. He didn't want much to do with the toys. He played with a rope toy for about 30 seconds and then he layed down in the middle of the room for the remainder of play time. I'm not sure if it's just because he was tired or if it was because his trainer was watching from the side of the room. Another possibility is that he doesn't really enjoy toys... We'll have to wait and see what he does next time I guess.
Right now Troy is laying on a dog towel with his leash and halti off. He's being so good and started by chewing on his bone but now he's fast asleep. I'm very impressed and happy to know that he enjoys laying on the towel because tomorrow my mom is coming to visit and she's bringing his dog bed. I'm hoping that once we have the bed, he will no longer have to sleep in the crate! *fingers crossed*
My mom is secretly excited to meet Troy and I hope he behaves and likes her as well. If not, he will have to be put into his crate while my mom is here. My mom and I might go out for lunch tomorrow too. If we do, he has to stay in my room, inside his crate while I'm gone. Hopefully he doesn't miss me too much and start a fuss if I leave! Check back tomorrow to see how his visit with "grandma" goes! ;)
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Getting so much better at laying under the table while we all eat in the dining room! |
I'm so proud of Troy for sleeping on the towel while mommy does laundry and writes this blog post. :) |
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